1d/John Warcelmann
April 1996

Local aspects of viking-age history
- an introduction

The purpose of this information sheet is to introduce four other information sheets, produced by Danish students joining the electronic project at Noerresundby Gymnasium and HF-Kursus, a grammaschool located in the northern part of that peninsula we call Jutland.

The project started in august 1995 and ends in June 1998. The aim of the project is to study, how we introduce the transportable computer to the daily work at our school. In Denmark, there are now two grammaschools joining this project.
The sponsors of our project is Teledanmark, Apple and The Ministry of Education in Denmark.

The four information-sheets are made by the students themselves. They have written about the following subjects, all of them taken from the local Viking age history:

Jelling - the first royal centre of Denmark.
Jelling was a centre of power for the kings Gorm The Old and Harald Blaatand.

Lindholm Hoeje - the famous burialplace and an centre of handicraft and trade.

Sebbersund - the newly excavated centre of trade, Christianity and handicraft.

Fyrkat and Aggersborg - two of the five very famous Danish Viking-fortresses.

And then I think you should read the four information sheets of the Danish students. You can contact the students and me, their teacher, via the mailing-list of The Viking Network Web, or you can e-mail me directly (look below).

Greetings from

John Warcelmann
Noerresundby Gymnasium og HF-Kursus
Studievej 14

e-mail can be send to me at the following address:, internet.

- 14. august 2004 -