Plan of the City of York

KEY : =S Some main streets (in part only). =9C Extent of fortifications in the middle of the 9th century. =11C Extent of fortifications in the mid-11th century. Streets: M York Minster MG Monkgate P Petergate G Goodramgate H High Ousegate MI Micklegate C Coppergate (site of excavations and the Jorvik Viking Centre ) W Walmgate F Fishergate

Note the Scandinavian language influence in the naming of streets, the suffix 'gate' coming from the Old Norse 'gata' (street or way). This is a common feature in Danelaw towns and cities.

Jorvik's trade routes in the British isles
Jorvik's trade routes abroad
Scandinavian-named settlements around Jorvik
The Viking kingdom of York
Blank Map for plotting the places where Jorvik's trade goods came from
Plan of the city of York
Jorvik (York) Site and Situation
Jorvik (York) as a Religious Centre

- 14. august 2004 -