Here is what Barrie has to say about T.E.A.M. and his role in it

Wigo recognised some time ago that teachers were sometimes reluctant to become involved with The Viking Network because they lacked confidence in their own English ability. Even those who do take part often ask whether they and their students are saying or writing things in a good English style. We discussed this and decided to launch TEAM, with me as the 'consultant'. Obviously, I am a native English speaker, but I am also a researcher at The Centre for English Cultural Tradition and Language at The University of Sheffield, where my special subject is English dialects. But, just as important from your point of view, I was for many years a teacher of primary age children (5-11 years) and a teacher-educator, so I feel I am sensitive to the needs of those who teach and those who are taught. If you would like to 'meet' me, to see the 'real person' you will be communicating with, why not visit my Home Page ? Language is constantly changing, in the words it contains, in the way those words are used in everyday speech, and even in the meaning of words and the 'rules' which govern grammar. It is often difficult even for native English speakers to keep up with the changes. So, please don't hesitate to make use of T.E.A.M.. We are here to advise, not to be critical, and we will do our best to help, whatever the query.


Updated January 10, 1997 - by The Viking Network