Eastern Europe
The Vikings in Russia
Viking Placenames in Russia
Miklagard (The Great City)
The City Walls of Miklagard
The City called Miklagaerd
The Bronze Statues of Miklagard
Timeline of Byzantium- Constantinople- Istanbul
In the year 860 the Vikings strike
In the Emoperor's service
The Varingians
Complete listing
Harald Hardraade i Miklagard
Harald Hardrada in Miklagard
Harald Hardrada in Miklagard
I keiserens tjeneste
In the Emoperor's service
In the year 860 the Vikings strike
Konstantinopel som vikingene kjente den
Konstantinopel: Bronsestatuene
Konstantinopel: I år 860 slår vikingene til
Miklagard (The Great City)
Miklagard (The Great City)
Norrøne stedsnavn i Russland
Olaf Tryggveson's captivity in Estonia
A Viking Network Info-sheet by Eddi Tomband
Olav i Novgorod
Pendants from Prince Vladimir's treasure
The Bronze Statues of Miklagard
The City called Miklagaerd
The City Walls of Miklagard
The Foundation of the Russian State by Vikings
A Viking Network Info-sheet by Eddi Tomband
The Varingians
The Vikings in Russia
The Vikings in Russia
Timeline of Byzantium- Constantinople- Istanbul
Vaeringene - Varjagaerne
Viking Placenames in Russia
Viking treasure hidden under the Kremlin for 750 years
A Viking Network Info-sheet by Igor Yablokov (14), student at the Norwegian-Russian School, Moscow
Vikingenes Konstantinopel
Vikinger i Russland
Vikingeskat skjult under Kreml i 750 år
Vikings in Estonia
A Viking Network Info-sheet by Eddi Tomband
14. august 2004