The Vikings in Normandy: Introduction
The Vikings in Normandy: Contents
The Vikings in Normandy: The beginnings of the story
The Vikings in Normandy: The foundation of the Duchy of Normandy
The Vikings in Normandy: The assertion of Norman power
The Vikings in Normandy: The scandinavian contribution in Normandy
The Vikings in Normandy: Time-line
The Vikings in Normandy: Sources
Complete listing
Books on Vikings in French
Corresponding Family Names of Scandinavian Origin in Normandy and Yorkshire
Dialektene i Yorkshire og Normandie har noe spesielt felles - vikingene!
Levende vikingeord i engelsk og fransk
Map of Viking France
Normandy, Channel Islands and the 'ligne Joret'
Norrøne familienavn i Normandie og Yorkshire
Norrøne ord i den normanniske dialekten
Old Norse words in the Norman Dialect
Stedsnavn med et norrønt personnavn som en del av navnet
Sterke frankiske konger
The Powerful Frankish Kings
The Vikings in Normandy: Chronological stages in the foundation of Normandy
The Vikings in Normandy: Density of Scandinavian place names
The Vikings in Normandy: Introduction
The Vikings in Normandy: Introduction
The Vikings in Normandy: Norman family names of Viking origin
The Vikings in Normandy: Normanniske familienavn av norrønt opphav:
The Vikings in Normandy: Place names derived from the Old Norse words for landscape features and other descriptions
The Vikings in Normandy: Place names, based on a Scandinavian personal name element
The Vikings in Normandy: Sources
The Vikings in Normandy: The assertion of Norman power
The Vikings in Normandy: The foundation of the Duchy of Normandy
The Vikings in Normandy: The Scandinavian contribution in Normandy
The Vikings in Normandy: Timeline
The Vikings in Normandy:The old Frankish administrative districts in the 9th century.
Viking Linguistic Heritage
Viking Settlements in Normandy
14. august 2004