The Vikings in Normandy:


The author of The Vikings in Normandy and The Viking Network wish to acknowledge the following works, which have been drawn upon as source material and references :

bulletRenaud, Jean (Ed) (1989) Les Vikings et la Normandie;  Ouest-France:  Rennes.
bulletDeuve, Jean (1997);  Corlet, Charles (Ed) La Fondation du Duché de Normandie; Condé-sur-Noireau, France.
bulletLa Normandie at les Vikings in Heimdal, No. 29 (1979);  Bayeux, France.
bulletBernage, George (1982) La Normandie et les Vikings.   Ed. Heimdal, Coll. Guide Heimdal; Bayeux, France.
bulletEncyclopaedia Universalis (1998).  Ed. Société du Livre Français;  Paris.
bulletBoyer, Régis (Ed) (1992) Les Vikings.  Plon;  Paris.
bulletMabire, Jean (Ed)(1992) Les Vikings à Travers le Monde.  L'Ancre de Marine.   St. Malo, France.
bulletProxima Thulé No. 1 (1994).   Société des Etudes Nordiques;  Paris.
bulletMusset, Lucien (Ed) (1997) Nordica et Normannica.   Société des Etudes Nordiques;  Paris.
bulletBatey, C., Clarke, H., Page, R.I., Price, N.S. (Eds) (1994) Cultural Atlas of the Viking World.   Facts on File;  Oxford.
- 14. august 2004 -