Freeman's Journal (Dublin). Monday November 12th 1905

Summary of News:

Yesterday the great referendum was held in Norway, which will decide whether that country is to be a monarchy or a republic. Progressives all the world over will hope that the decision may be in favour of the latter. Monarchy has frequently worked very well in the past, and in England for instance, works very well today. But the tendency of the times is towards the elective principle in regard to the head of state, as in regard to his ministers. Royal relationships in other countries have more than once stood in the way of, or at least modified public policy, not to the interests of the state. This would almost certainly be the case in Norway, if a Danish or a Swedish prince were chosen for the throne. In the first instance, Sweden would be estranged, and in the second Denmark; while in either case offence would almost certainly be taken at Berlin. Besides, Norway has for a long time been a republic in all but name. Europe already has too many kings and an additional one is really not wanted; whereas a third republic on this side of the Atlantic, run by such people as the Norwegians, would almost certainly be an object lesson in the art of democratic government.

Oppdatert 14.03.04
Wigo H. Skråmm, Fetsund - Nils Steinar Våge, Lillestrøm